Media Awards Analysis

 1) In my flim, I utilized cinematography to my fullest potential; I made sure to use lots of long shots and close-ups to convey the feeling of loneliness as my character was searching alone for a mysterious object. Additionally, I used lots of camera pans to convey the feeling of mysteriousness. The box (prop) I had opened in my extract emitted a bright light (editing) while me, the actor, had a surprised expression. This created an enigma code as the audience wondered what exactly I had discovered inside of the box. Additionally, the lighting I had used was purposely dull to reiterate that this fantasy setting is also a dystopia.

2) In Raagni's film, she uses editing and sound to convey to the audience that this is a fantasy TV drama. For instance, the special effects when the 2 actors use their "powers" and the diegetic sound effects playing whenever they use them. The actors and their expressions are also quite serious looking, varying between concerned, angry and determined. This shows to the audience clearly what type of genre this is; they would be able to guess if you hadn't told them. Additionally the use of non-diegetic sound (e.g. music) amplifies the whole experience altogether, along with the settings and lighting.


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