
Media Awards Analysis

  1) In my flim, I utilized  cinematography to my fullest potential; I made sure to use lots of long shots  and close-ups to convey the feeling of loneliness as my character was searching alone for a mysterious object. Additionally, I used lots of camera pans  to convey the feeling of mysteriousness. The box ( prop ) I had opened in my extract emitted a bright light ( editing ) while me, the actor , had a surprised expression . This created an enigma code as the audience wondered what exactly I had discovered inside of the box. Additionally, the lighting  I had used was purposely dull to reiterate that this fantasy setting  is also a dystopia. 2) In Raagni's film, she uses editing and sound to convey to the audience that this is a fantasy TV drama. For instance, the special effects when the 2 actors use their "powers" and the diegetic sound effects playing whenever they use them. The actors  and their expressions  are also quite serious looking, varying between concerne

Mise-en-scene Blog Tasks

1)  The shot of the man here (Michael Myers) reiterates his position as a powerful and fearful being. It is shot at a low-angle , quite high up, making Michael look intimidating. His costume is dark and sinister, and the lighting  in the scene is very gloomy and full of shadow. Both these features symbolise to the audience that Michael Myers is an evil man without saying he is directly. The actor  playing him further reinforces these feelings, as his posture is quite stiff and lifeless, almost as if he isn't a man. Whilst there is no make-up present on Michael Myers' costume , it is  quite rough and grimy. The setting , going along with the lighting , fits the scene and actor quite well, as you wouldn't typically see killers/villains be out in broad daylight; this is quite a common stereotype for horror movies to have, and for good reason - it would be unfitting for a murderer to be killing people in a colourful environment. 2) The cinematography shown in this clip reiter

Film & TV Language - Film Poster Analysis

  Film Poster 1 - Blade Runner 1) The film seems to be action-oriented. Judging from that, I think the story line may be about some type of dystopia, as the setting  of the poster seems to be quite futuristic yet dark and sinister, due to the dark colours contrasting with the bright white lights. The lighting itself is also quite dark, with most of the buildings in shadow. 2) I think the film may be part of the action genre , due to the actors and their props . The man is in a defensive pose holding a pistol, while the woman looks at the viewers holding a cigarette in her hand. 3) The target audience for this film seems to be for more mature people, if we take everything into account - the weapons, the dark lighting , the dystopian setting , these don't seem like typical conventions for a family oriented movie. Film Poster 2 - Scary Movie 2 1) I believe that the film is about parodying typical horror movie conventions . The name of the film, "Scary Movie", and the exagger